Creative Child

Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

Back to School: How to Give Your Child Emotional Support at Home

Before you send your eye-rolling kid to his room, consider this. School is stressful, and children’s developing brains aren’t yet fully equipped to handle it.

Guiding Your Child through the Transition to Middle School

The transition to middle school is an important milestone. It’s a time of tremendous change, not only to a new school building, but also physically, emotionally, and mentally for your child.

Let Go of Perfection, Mama

On the outside, I probably looked like a mom who had it all together.

Changing Your Mindset for Happier Parenting

Here’s how to tell if you are parenting from a fear-based mindset. Do you use time-outs, counting to three, or threats of punishment to change behavior? Do you physically punish your child? Do you set no limits or weak limits because you want your child to like you? Do you fail to discipline altogether?

Teaching Goal-Setting to Kids

Goal-setting is a simple way for kids to build confidence and self-esteem, learn responsibility, and gain a can-do attitude!

12 Summer Science Activities

I’ve roamed the Internet and gathered 12 fun and engaging summer science activities to zap boredom and awe your children!

Meaningful Summer Traditions

With no school lunches to pack or homework to complete, there’s finally a little more time to connect heart to heart with our kids.

Parenting with Purpose

“A happy life is made of a million little happy moments stitched together with great purpose.” – Rebecca Eanes, The Gift of a Happy Mother

Handling Disrespect with Positive Parenting

Sometimes in the middle of a power struggle, our parenting strategy dissolves into one-upping our kids and aiming to get the last word.

Helping Your Child Resist Peer Pressure and Hold to Their Values

The thing is, your child’s friends rarely love without conditions, and jumping through the conditions of acceptance and approval is exhausting every single day.

Purposeful Play: A Powerful Parenting Tool

The benefits of play has been well-documented, but are you aware that play is a powerful parenting tool? We can use play to teach lessons, heal and process emotions, and connect with our children’s hearts. Why is play so effective? Because children are wired to learn this way!

Handling Your Toddler’s “Defiance”

We say, “Don’t do that,” and they do it anyway. We say, “Stop” and they continue. We say, “Pick that up” and they do so just to throw it back down again.

The Most Important Discipline Practice

Self-discipline is such a challenge because parenting uncovers all of our triggers and brings up fears, hurts, and feelings from our pasts that cause real emotional reactions that we may not understand or be able to control until we bring awareness to those reactions. Our children show us where we need to heal and how we need to grow ourselves to reach our own full potentials so that we can help guide them toward reaching theirs.

The Important Lessons of a Family Meeting

Do you hold regular family meetings? If not, today may be a great day to begin because the benefits of family meetings are numerous.

How to Make the Best of Summer

Great summers are made of a mix of creativity, adventure, togetherness, and downtime, and it all begins with a good plan. Here’s how to make the most of summer with your kids.

Pretend Play and Your Child’s Development

One important benefit of pretend play is the exercising of imagination which enhances cognitive flexibility and creativity. The ability to use imagination is what drives art and innovation.

Building Great Relationships in Adolescence

The need for closeness with a parent does not disintegrate when the bridge to adolescence is crossed. We must remain their compass point, and this is true for both boys and girls.

Building Great Relationships in Middle Childhood

Self-concept is still developing, and while they are more independent in this stage, connection with you is still vital. Here’s how to build trust and connection in these important years.

Building Great Relationships in Infancy and Early Childhood

Through adolescence and into adulthood, it is important to have a healthy, connected relationship. Connection is vital because the human brain is literally wired to connect, and when that connection isn’t there, we suffer emotionally, and that basic need for connection is never outgrown.

Three Reasons to Stop Punishing Kids and Three Ways to Help Them Behave Better

Often a go-to for all behavioral problems, punishment is an extremely common method of behavior modification, but is it really the best way to help kids do better?
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