Creative Child

10 Tips for a Smooth Road Trip with Kids

by Deborah Song



5. Have Window Shades.

If the sun is glaring into your baby's eyes, it won't be long before he starts squirming, crying or screaming. And who wants to hear your toddler complain that the sun is making his eyes "owie" for 3 hours or more!

Window shades are a good line of defense but keep an extra blanket nearby for reinforcement.

 Sun shade

6. Sit Next to Your Baby.

Your baby will want some company, especially if he's rear facing. And the closer you are, the sooner you can attend to his needs and preempt a meltdown.

7. Bring Toys and a Mirror.

Many travel toys attach to car seats for convenience. Rattles and noisemakers are great car toys since they don't require much work from you, but any toy will do.Just as crucial for rear-facing babies, is a shatterproof attachable mirror so your little one won't be staring at the back seat of a car the whole way.

Remember to bring comfort items like blankets and dolls if they apply. Bring the tablet and charger along for the older kids to play on apps or watch movies. And don't forget the timeless travel games that have smaller and sometimes magnetic pieces that are perfect for play on the go. 

Car Mirror

8. Bring Good Jams.

Listening to audio books or humming along to a familiar song is a cost-efficient source of entertainment for the kids. If you don't have a few road-trip mixes already pre-made, you can hit up your local library to save you money. 

9. Bring Snacks.

The great thing about traveling in the car is that you can bring whatever foods and liquids you want. Keep a small cooler next to you and stock it with travel-friendly foods. A bottle or spill-proof sippy cup is an absolute necessity for drinking milk and other liquids.

Remember safety first: Don't take the baby out of the car seat to breastfeed while the car is moving!

Snacks and food for kids

10. Load Strategically.

Load accessories, like hair dryers and swim gear, in the trunk. But make sure you have essentials next to you for easy access. If your kids happen to have a bout of motion sickness, you will want to make sure that a change of clothes are close by, and the box of wipes!

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Deborah Song , gezginlerin kolay, verimli ve ??k bir ?ekilde yolculuk yapmas?na yard?mc? olan seyahat aksesuarlar? üretmeye kendini adam??, zulüm içermeyen bir ?irket olan'un kurucusudur  . Çocuklar?yla birlikte iyi yemek, daha geni? ya?am perspektifleri ve harika macera hikayeleri pe?inde dünyay? dola?may? seviyor. Deborah, Kanada do?umlu, anne giri?imci ve Los Angeles'ta ya?ayan bir yazard?r ve yüksek lisans?n? New York Üniversitesi'nden gazetecilik alan?nda alm??t?r. Seyahat hikayelerini adresinde bulabilirsiniz  .

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