Creative Child

Gratitude: Helping Our Children Count Their Blessings

by Monisha Vasa, M.D.

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3. Make gratitude simple

It is helpful to remind our kids that we can be grateful for the simplest of things in life.  For example, we might point out a particularly sunny day, a delicious strawberry, or a good grade at school.  Although these might seem like simple every day occurrences, the act of noticing the small pleasures in life can help to cultivate joy.  We want to teach our children that we often take important blessings like running water, food, and even our health for granted.


We also want them to learn that, although we can be grateful for “big” moments like trips to Disneyland or a special birthday party, that most often, a meaningful gratitude practice comes from paying attention to the beauty in ordinary moments.

It can be challenging to learn concepts such as mindfulness, compassion, and gratitude as adults.  Encouraging these behaviors from a young age can help provide a strong foundation for our children.  The fundamentals of resilience and well being begin in childhood. 

Let’s help our children, and ourselves, by sharing the importance of gratitude in creating a happy, healthy life. 

Monisha Vasa, M.D. is a board certified General and Addiction Psychiatrist in private practice in Orange County, CA. Dr. Vasa is the author of the non-fiction children’s books, My Dearest One and Saying Thank You. She is also a marathon runner and a student of yoga and meditation. Learn more about Dr. Vasa at and read her blog on The Huffington Post.

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