Creative Child

Mason Jar Luminaries

by Jenna Gleason



Mason Jar 




Burlap ribbon

Autumn leaves

Yellow ribbon

Elmer's glue

Hot glue gun


Step 1: Hot glue the burlap ribbon on the outside of the mason jar's lid. 

Step 2: Fold the yellow ribbon in half and hot glue it to secure.

Step 3: Hot glue the yellow ribbon right below the edge of the lid space. 

Step 4: Screw on the lib with the burlap ribbon. Cut some straw and tie it around the lid space in a bow.

Step 5: Mix together some glue and water(or just buy Mod Podge). 

Step 6: Brush each leaf with the glue mixture and place inside of the mason jar. Once complete to the desired look let it dry. Tip: Apply a second or third layer if the leaves are glue completely to the glass. 

Step 6: Place a small candle inside and light it! 


Check out the video here!

Jenna is a staff writer and production assistant at Creative Child Magazine. She is currently attending University of Nevada - Las Vegas.

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