Creative Child

Valentine's Day Gifts that Speak Your Child's Love Language

by Rebecca Eanes


Quality Time

1. Plan a date night for just the two of you. If you have multiple children, plan a special evening with each one individually.

2. Go on a “wandering” road trip together. Stop for ice cream.

3. Gift tickets to a show for some quality time together.

4. Buy a new board game and promise to play one night a week, devices off.

5. Take a class together like painting, pottery, or cooking.

Tip: Carve out 5-15 minutes of “special time” each evening with your child before bed to just chat.


1. Buy one of those stuffed animals that record your voice and say, “I love you!”

2. Gift a personalized item, such as a necklace with her name on it.

3. Buy something specific to their current interests. This shows you’ve been paying attention!

4. Give your child a gift certificate to his favorite store and go pick out something together.

5. Make your child a bracelet or crocheted bear, something special just from you to her/him.

Tip: This love language isn’t about materialism but intentional gifts that say “You mean a lot to me.”


Acts of Service

1. Make your child a special breakfast such as heart-shaped pancakes and serve them in bed.

2. Give him a coupon for getting his room cleaned for a week.

3. Give her a certificate for a manicure or pedicure.

4. Cook your child’s favorite meal for dinner.

5. Gift them what they need to tackle a project or pursue a talent or interest. For example, give your budding a musician piano lessons or your little star his own camera.

Tip: You serve your children every day in many ways, but sometimes our attitudes about doing so can become less than pleasant. Aim to do all you do with love and a positive attitude, especially for a child whose love language is acts of service.

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


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