Creative Child

Homework Habits: How to Motivate Kids


One of the biggest motivators for kids is to have their parents support in the challenges they face on a daily basis. This does not mean that you do your child’s homework for them or that you bribe or reward them every time they do their homework. A high five or a “I knew you could do it!” are usually enough to put a smile on your child’s face. Parents can also show their support by setting an example. If your child is sitting down at the table to work on homework, it may be a perfect time to sit down and work on writing a grocery list, sorting mail, or adding things to your calendar. You will set an example and create a quiet environment for your child to work while getting a few things off your own to do list.


Teach them responsibility

Parents can help their kids with their school projects and homework but when it comes down to it, the kids themselves are responsible for their own homework and grades. It can be tough for parents to do but allowing kids to face the natural consequences of their work (or lack thereof) will help them learn responsibility. If your child puts in minimal effort, rushing through the work, or forgets to turn it in, their grades will be affected. If they put in their best work, take their time, and complete assignments in a timely manner their grades will probably see a boost. You can also give your kids extra responsibility by letting them choose when they will work on homework, how they will break up larger projects, and what organizational tools work best for them.


Homework can seem like a constant battle but setting good habits early on in the school year is usually the best way to manage school work. Parents should keep in touch with teachers and their child to make sure all three parties are a team and are working towards helping your child succeed.

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