Creative Child

Battle End of Summer Boredom


Pick a project

            If your house is anything like mine, there are always unfinished projects to work on. Clean the closets, sort the toys, or work in the yard. Teach your kids how to bake a cake or encourage them to plan a menu and cook dinner. You may need to assist depending on the age of your children. Give them chores they have never tried before so they have the benefit of learning something new and you gain the added bonus of a cleaner house.


Put a crab in water

            An old friend once told me “Put a crab in water.” which is a solution for any age. A bath or shower can lighten anyone’s mood whether you are dealing with a fussy baby or an exhausted mom. Water play can also lighten the mood. Head to the pool, set up the sprinkler in the backyard, fill some water balloons, or visit the beach. A day playing in water can turn your kids from grumpy to happy in no time.

Host a playdate

            Invite some friends over for the day. Someone new to play with and talk to can lighten the mood and give siblings a much needed break from playing (and fighting) with each other. As a stay-at-home mom, I love to invite other moms and their kids over. The moms enjoy adult conversation while kids enjoy play time and everyone is glad for a break from the typical day.

The end of summer may feel long now but before we know it the kids will be back in school and the schedule will be full of activities and we will be craving a day off. In the meantime, make the best of the long, lazy days of summer and battle summer boredom one day at a time.

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