Creative Child

Jilly’s Ballet Recital Will Put a Smile on Your Face

Whether it was at your first ballet recital or last week’s Zumba class, we’ve all been that person who’s a little off beat and one move behind the choreography. It’s a natural part of learning.

At this ballet recital, Jilly is a ballerina marching to the beat of her own drum. While the rest of the troupe is standing upright, she’s squatting, and when they’re twirling, Jilly’s hopping. But with a little help from their dance instructor, Jilly and the little ballerinas make it through the whole routine.

Though, she may have stumbled along the way, Jilly finishes the routine with graceful bow, blowing kisses to her proud giggling mama!

Good job, Jilly. You totally nailed it. 

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