Creative Child

Find a Song With Your Child's Name

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One of the first words a child learns to say and write is their name. It helps them to gain both social skills and self-confidence. That’s why Songs With My Name’s personalized CDs make a wonderful gift to any child who loves to sing and dance (which is pretty much everyone, right?).

Songs With My Name’s personalized children’s music CDs feature the voices of your child’s most beloved characters (including Mickey Mouse, Elmo, and their favorite Disney Princesses) not only saying your child’s name, but singing it!

Most of us don’t buy CDs anymore — you might not even own a conventional CD player — but a lot of devices still support CDs. DVD and Blu-Ray players, gaming consoles such as Play Station, and external optical drives can all play CDs; and you can always transfer the tracks to your mobile device or tablet to take them with you on the go.

With personalized sing-a-long tunes, kids can feel like their favorite cartoon characters are right there alongside them— as they wake up in the morning, during playtime, or in the car.

Find a Songs With My Name CD that’s just for your kiddo at

This has been a sponsored message from Songs With My Name.

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