Creative Child

The Top 5 Ways to Parent Mindfully

by Michelle Dempsey M.S., CPRW

Mindfulness is the thing these days. It’s in the workplace, on the home front, and everywhere in between. One place it seems to be lacking? Parenthood.

We’re a busy society. I get that. I often fall victim to the perils of life as well. Schedules, deadlines, traffic, not enough hours in the day – there are a million ways to lose our focus as we navigate ourselves, and our families, through each week.

Here’s the secret though – mindfulness is not hard. It simply means, “the quality or state of being conscious,” or rather, being in the moment.

Here are the top 5 ways to be a more mindful parent:

1. Take the time to explain things to your children.

When your child asks you for the 35th time why Elmo can’t come over with ice cream, “because I said so,” just wont cut it. Take the time to actually explain how, or why, things work. Your child will feel more fulfilled with a thought-out answer, and more importantly, you will feel better for having taken the time to have a mindful conversation with your child.

2. Have your children explain things to you.

There is nothing more frustrating than when your child is upset for what seems like no reason, or when they act out in a way that leaves you speechless. Ask your child to explain their feelings rather than to just show them. Mindfulness for the win, on both ends.

3. Put your cellphone/iPad/Laptop DOWN!

Walking through Target yesterday, I saw a child climb out of a shopping cart while his mom was texting in the middle of an aisle. You cannot, I repeat, you CANNOT be in the moment with your child when your face is buried in your Facebook newsfeed. End of story. 


How many times have I wanted to collapse on the couch and let my child play solo in her play yard? Ok, don’t answer that. I make a conscious effort a few times a day to take off my shoes, throw up my hair, and get in the play yard to help my girl bang her little hands on her baby grand piano. It may seem silly to you, but it’s everything to her – and there’s nothing more mindful than showing your kiddos a good time.

Here are 29 Ways to Play this month!


When on a plane, the flight attendant demonstrates that in case of emergency, you MUST put the breathing mask on yourself BEFORE your child, it’s because, guess what – you have to be mindful of your own feelings before you can tend to anyone else’s.

Follow Michelle on her quest towards keeping motherhood real...And kind at Facebook and Instagram!

A writer, entrepreneur, radio host, and powerful motivational speaker – Michelle Dempsey, owner and founder of Michelle Dempsey, Very Well-Written, has one goal in mind: empowering women from all walks of life with her incredible personal life story of overcoming adversity and using the lessons learned to achieve success. Internationally published and known for her ability to connect with readers on a deeper level, Michelle has successfully united her passion for business and writing and developed a thriving career, offering writing and editing services, business coaching, branding expertise, and content marketing to business of all kinds.

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