Creative Child

Kids Kitchen: Vanilla Snowman Cupcakes with Vanilla Icing

These kid's kitchen snowman cupcakes are adorable, low fat, easy to make, and they are a hit with the kids!

To make the face, I used ingredients easily found in the supermarket. Jellybeans, mini chocolate chips, mini marshmallows and some colored sprinkles. The cupcake itself is made of Duncan Hines cake mix.

I love experimenting with box cake mix, it makes whipping up dessert so much easier and I love how it can be used to make low fat treats! Well here's the latest combination I recently discovered, you can make deliciously easy, low-fat cupcakes with an 18.25 oz box of Duncan Hines Cake Mix, 6 oz fat free Chobani yogurt, egg whites and water. No oil or butter required and they come out delicious!

For the vanilla icing, I simply mixed some powdered sugar with a little melted butter and some water and it was perfect for these cupcakes because the candy didn't melt like it would if I used cream cheese frosting. These cupcakes don't use a lot of icing, less than a tablespoon on each. If you plan on making them into snowmen, work quickly putting the candy on or the frosting will harden.


    - 18.25 oz Duncan Hines French Vanilla cake mix (or yellow, classic white)
    - 6 oz fat free plain Chobani yogurt
    - 1 1/3 cups water
    - 2 large egg whites

For the icing:
    - 2 cups powdered sugar
    - 2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
    - 1 tsp clear vanilla extract
    - 2-3 tbsp boiling water

For the face:
    - m&m's for the eyes
    - orange jellybeans or candy corns for the nose
    - sprinkles for the hat
    - mini marshmallows for the cotton part of hat


1. Preheat oven to 350. Line cupcake tins with liners.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and beat until combined. Pour into prepared liners. Bake about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Allow to cool before frosting.

For the vanilla icing -

Combine powdered sugar, melted butter and water and beat until smooth.

For snowman face -

Spread 2 1/2 teaspoons of icing on each cupcake; working quickly, press the candy face into the icing before it hardens. It's best to make one at a time.

Check out the original Recipe at

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