Creative Child

15 Ways to Give Joy on Your Child's Birthday

by Rebecca Eanes

Love-bombing my children on their birthdays has become a favorite family tradition. My husband remembers with fondness how each year when he was growing up, the birthday child would wake up to getting his or her nose buttered by the rest of the family. I remember the joy of feeling celebrated when my parents smothered the house in balloons and decorations. The memories you provide your birthday boy or girl now will bring smiles for a lifetime. Here are 15 ways to give joy to your child on that special day.

1. Crepe paper the bedroom doorway, and all the doorways if you'd like! There is a hallway leading from my child's bedroom, and I usually put a crepe paper maze through the entire hallway. The birthday child gets to bust through the doorway and run down the hall breaking streamers! It's a fantastic way to start the day!

2. Sneak into the bedroom after she's asleep and put helium balloons all over the room. What a lovely sight for her to open her eyes to on birthday morning!

3. Start the day with a special breakfast. A muffin with a candle or cake batter pancakes.

4. Post love notes all around the house in areas your child frequents. Try inside the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror, in toy bins, inside lunch boxes, and on his pillow.

5. Start a birthday journal. Each year, write your favorite memories from the past year with your child. This will make a beautiful gift one day.

6. Write you child a heartfelt letter, in addition to the journal, or in lieu of it, each year and read it to her on her birthday. 

7. Make a special birthday bath! Hang balloons over and around the tub and streamers from the ceiling. Throw a few water balloons inside the bath. 

8. Retell the story of his birth, recounting how you felt when you first held him in your arms and the reactions of other family members.

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