Creative Child

Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

Thanksgiving Traditions For Families

Holiday traditions strengthen family bonds and create emotional security and fond memories. Involving children in the preparation and celebration of holidays gives them a sense of belonging and importance.

Connection-Based Discipline

In my previous article, Why Connection is the Parenting Key, I discussed the separate roles of the upstairs and downstairs brain. We know now that children learn best when they feel calm and connected.

Why Connection is the Parenting Key

To understand why connection is the parenting key, we must first understand a bit about the brain. For a simple explanation, let's talk in terms of the downstairs brain and the upstairs brain.

15 Ways to Give Joy on Your Child's Birthday

Love-bombing my children on their birthdays has become a favorite family tradition. Make memories with your child every year with these birthday ideas!

Family Fall Bucket List

Fall has arrived! Here is a great bucket list of 40 of my favorite fall family activities. Get out and enjoy the autumn season!

Liking the Child That You Love

There is a lot of talk about unconditionally loving our children but perhaps not enough about how important it is to like them.

Kids Activities: Ghost Hunting in the Dark

This is of course a kid friendly non-scary Halloween kid's activity. Play it this Halloween with your kids.

No Bake Ghost Cookies

Looking for a fun, no bake Halloween treat? How about Ghost Cookies to make with your kids!

How to Create a Peaceful Home

I truly believe that peace on earth starts at home, and that's why my website and my books have one focus, to promote peace in families. Peace must begin inward ; we must first find peace in ourselves. Read on for tips on positive parenting and creating an environment of peace.

10 Ways to Connect With Your Child

Being deeply connected to our children is the key to emotional health, cooperation, influence, and peaceful homes, but staying connected in the hustle and bustle of daily life can be challenging. We have to be intentional about our relationships with them now if want these relationships to flourish for years to come.

Solutions for Sibling Rivalry

If you're like me, you dreamed that your children would be best friends from the start. It's both heartbreaking and frustrating when your children fight and squabble with each other, but there are things you can do (and not do) to help build their relationships with each other.

Top 5 Behaviors That Cause Parents to Lose Their Cool: #1 Aggression

At last we have made it to the number one most frustrating behavior that causes parents to lose their cool. Aggressive behavior. Read these parenting tips to learn how to better deal with this behavior!

Top 5 Behaviors That Cause Parents to Lose Their Cool: #2 Whining

The countdown continues to the top behavior that makes parents want to scream. Coming in as the second most frustrating behavior is whining. Read these parenting tips to learn how to deal with this behavior!

Top 5 Behaviors That Cause Parents to Lose Their Cool: #3 Not Listening

Counting down the top 5 behaviors that cause parents to lose it, we have already discussed back talk and tantrums. Today, we are addressing number 3 on the list, not listening.

Top 5 Behaviors That Cause Parents to Lose Their Cool: #4 Tantrums

Part 2 of the 5-part series: The Most Troublesome Behaviors Parents Lose Their Cool Over. Last time, I discussed the fifth behavior on the list, back talk. Today, I will cover the fourth most bothersome behavior, tantrums.

Top 5 Behaviors That Cause Parents to Lose Their Cool: #5 Back Talk

I recently surveyed a group of over 7,000 parents and asked which of their children's behaviors grated on their nerves the most. In this 5-part series, I will discuss these 5 troublesome behaviors individually and offer positive parenting tips to manage them. I will begin at number 5 and work my way up to the behavior most parents deem the worst.

Making the Decision to Homeschool

Are you thinking about homeschooling your child? If so, I know that making the decision to homeschool can feel overwhelming and even alarming. Continue reading for tips from other homeschool parents and take some of the guess work out of making the big homeschooling decision.

10 Play Invitations to Inspire Creativity

Play invitations can be simple or complex and are designed to spark curiosity and invite play. Inspire your child's creativity to blossom with these 10 Play Invitations.

7 Creative Summer Projects for Kids

Summertime should be full of relaxation, free play, and creativity, but we all know kids can get bored on these long summer days. To nix the boredom and create great memories this summer, try these creative activities for toddlers.

Ice Sculptures: Inspiring Creativity in Summer

The benefits of outdoor play for children has been a trendy topic recently. How can you spend quality time outdoors and still beat the heat this summer? Ice sculptures are a fun way for your child to be creative and cool down when the temperature is rising.

5 Ways to Encourage Creativity Through Play

Creativity is on the decline, and the reduction of free play is at least partly to blame. According to American psychologist, Peter Gray, parenting encouraging free play has declined sharply over the last century and with it the mental health of children and adolescents has also declined.
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