Creative Child

Consequences That Teach

by Rebecca Eanes


3. Imposed consequences should be related to the incident. If your child hits his brother, then taking away his video games for a period of time doesn't teach him what he should do when he gets angry or when he hurts his brother. A related (or logical) consequence would be to have him think of a way to repair the relationship with his brother (write him a note, make him a card, etc) and to talk about ways of handling his frustration or anger so that he has tools to keep him from hitting (deep breaths, walking away, clapping).

4. Look for solutions. Problem-solving is a great way to teach children how to be accountable and responsible. The more involved they are in the process, the more they learn.Teach children the process of righting wrongs and repairing rifts in relationships. These are important life skills.

5. Restore and reconnect. Make sure your child's self-worth is restored and she understands that mistakes are opportunities to learn and that a bad decision doesn't mean she's a bad child. Reconnect through empathy and love and moving forward in good spirits, leaving the mistake in the past.


Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


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