Creative Child
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Get Organized for Back to School

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Get Organized for Back to School

The dog days of summer are quickly coming to an end and it’s time to get ready for the kids to head back to school. It can be a tough adjustment for kids (and parents) who have enjoyed some relaxing, schedule-free days to adjust to getting up early, packing lunches, and getting out the door on time. Now is the time to start getting organized before the kids start school. A little organization now can make for a smoother transition later.

Get back into a routine

If your kids are like mine, they have been getting up at the crack of dawn all summer and the routine of rising early for school will be easy. However, if you are blessed to have kids who enjoy a little extra rest in the summer, rising early may be a challenge. You can ease your child into a school schedule by slowly moving up bedtime and slowly waking your child earlier each day in preparation for school. You can also start adjusting your morning routine to match the school year. After the kids are up, get breakfast started and get dressed for the day so they get used to the flow of a school morning.

Get the calendar ready

Without a maintained and up-to-date family calendar, it’s easy to forget appointments and things on the to-do list. Before school gets started is a great time to get all the family calendars in order and organized. You can keep things simple with a paper calendar that is in a central location in your home or your family may prefer an online calendar where everyone can share an app on their phones and it can be updated in real time. Find what works for you and your family and stick with it.


Get paperwork in order

If your child is entering a new school, chances are you will be asked for important paperwork such as your child’s birth certificate and vaccination records. Nothing is more stressful than looking for these important documents when there is a time crunch. It never fails that they seem to have gone missing. Before registration begins, locate your child’s paperwork and keep it in a safe place so that when you are asked for it, you know right where to look. You will be grateful later when you have saved yourself the headache of searching for them at the last minute.

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