Creative Child
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How to Read More

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How to Read More

I have loved reading since I was able to sound out the words of my Dr. Seuss book. The ability to escape my current circumstances, learn about other people’s experiences and be entertained through my love of reading fuel my passion. Busy seasons of life, parenting young children, and other circumstances may make you feel you do not have time to read as much as you would like. A few years ago, I was in the middle of raising six young kids and I felt like something important was missing in my life. I realized I missed reading books for pleasure and I decided to make time every day for reading. Since then, I have consistently read over 100 books a year and have discovered some tips to reignite the love of reading into a busy parent’s life. Seslidarp


Choose wisely

Before you attempt to increase your time spent reading, consider your motivation. Are you reading for pleasure or are you wanting to learn something new? When you pick up your next read, choose wisely. Figure out what type of books you most enjoy and read those. It will be easier to move quickly through books if you actually like them. If it feels like a chore, you are less likely to dedicate time to reading. superbahis

Never leave home without it

I always have my book with me because I read during any free time I have. If I’m in the doctor’s waiting room, the pickup line at school, or even waiting in line at the grocery store I will open my book and read. I see many people looking at their phones as they wait, instead reach for your book. A few minutes here and there really add up.

Try a new format

I encourage you to try reading books in a different format to increase the amount of books you are able to read. Use apps to read or listen to books on the go. It’s not always practical to bring a big heavy book along on your errands but ebooks and audiobooks are portable and can be read on an ereader, phone, or tablet and are available at your local library. Audiobooks are also a great way to read more (yes audiobooks count as reading). You can listen while you do household chores or during your commute. Audiobooks can also be sped up so that you are able to move through the book at a quicker pace than traditional reading

Turn off the screens

We have the blessing of technology that allows us to read on the go but it also comes with the distractions like games, texts, videos, social media, and email. Allow yourself to turn off distractions while you are reading and focus on your book. If this is a challenge, set a timer, read your book, and when the time is up you can go back to your phone and check messages.

Set aside time

One of the best ways to make sure you can fit in reading time is to set aside a specific time. Some people may enjoy reading a few minutes before bed, first thing in the morning, during your child’s naptime, or during your lunch break. Even if it is just 15 minutes per day, you know you have reading time to enjoy each day.

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