Creative Child
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Replace the Time Out Chair for a Calm Down Area

        Written by: Rebecca Eanes



Replace the Time Out Chair for a Calm Down Area

by Rebecca Eanes

Time-out is a popular technique for dealing with undesirable toddler behavior, but is it really best for the child? In Time Outs Are Hurting Your Child, doctors Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., and Daniel Siegel, M.D. tell us that the latest research suggests sitting alone in that chair is doing more harm than good.

When I learned that time-outs didn't work for my highly sensitive boy almost 6 years ago, I was led to look for an alternative for correcting his behavior. I found that a calm down area was much more effective for my sensitive son, and it worked just as well with my non-HSC (highly sensitive child) too.

What is a calm down area for?

This is a place for a child to go either with the parent or willingly alone. It is not a punishment but a place to learn emotional intelligence followed by learning better behavior. What I've learned about children in my years of research is that their brains do not take information in when they are dysregulated (or very upset). During times of emotional upset, children are functioning from their lower brain (which controls the fight, flight, or freeze response) and need to calm down before they can access their higher brain (responsible for logical thought and reasoning). Therefore, the calm down area should be a soothing place for the child to engage their higher brains so they can then best learn the lesson we want to teach.

Wait, isn't that a reward for misbehavior?

Think of it like this. When you get angry and are about to blow up at your child or spouse, do you take a few minutes to calm yourself first? You should. That ensures you are able to respond thoughtfully rather than react irresponsibly. When you take that time to breathe or repeat a mantra or go to the bathroom, you're essentially going to your own calm down area, even if just in your mind. Is that a reward for your anger? No. Does taking that little break in the bathroom make you want to get angry more often? Of course not. No one likes feeling out of control. We all need to learn how to take time to calm our brains down so we don't react, and it's best to start learning that as young as possible.

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