Creative Child

Parenting: Is Modeling Right for Your Child? Is It Right for You?

by Deborah Song

Your child’s picturesque face belongs in a magazine, or so you’ve been told. But is modeling right for your child? In the world of child modeling, a pretty face will only take you so far. Personality, temperament and maturity are just as important qualities. Nobody will book a child that’s difficult to work with. Compounded by the gritty reality that child modeling is less than glam (pay is meager and wait times long), you have to ask yourself as the parent if child modeling is right for you as well. Because let’s face it, the bulk of the work that goes into child modeling is done by the parent. To last in this industry without burning it, both parent and child need to enjoy the work amongst other considerations. If you’re serious about child modeling, here are 10 parenting questions to ask yourself.

Parenting questions to consider for your child

1. Can your child stay focused and take direction?  

No one will book a child that isn’t well behaved and can’t follow instructions. Some shoots last a couple of hours, some a few days. So it’s also important that your child doesn’t get easily flustered.

2. Is your child outgoing?

A child must be comfortable speaking with and being around lots of strangers. If you have a more reserved child or a child who gets over-stimulated easily, there’s no point forcing him into something he won’t enjoy. If he doesn’t want to be there, he probably won’t get picked.

3. Does your child have the look?

Cuteness helps. But with a plethora of applications, what many agencies and clients are looking for is “different,” like bright red curly hair, a freckled nose and dimples to match. Think character more than perfection. And size matters as well. Smaller children actually fare better because they can play the role of a younger child but have the maturity level of an older one.

4. Does your child like having his picture taken?

If you’re one of those parents who have a difficult time making holiday cards because you can’t seem to find any good pictures of your child, you may want to reconsider. If you can’t create magic shots with your child at home (many shoots rely on parents to engage their children), then chances are the magic won’t happen in front of bright lights when strangers are doling out instructions.

5. Does your child photograph well?

A photogenic child in this case is one whose personality shines through in pictures. Is he reactive? Do his emotions come through in his face expressions?

6. Has your child expressed interest?

For an older child above 5 years of age, has she expressed interest in child modeling? Even if your child isn’t old enough to verbally articulate her wishes, you can gauge whether her personality would be a good fit for child modeling by watching her in public or in front of large audiences. The best chemistry is created when a child wants to be there and is enjoying the experience.

Continue reading on next page.

Related Post: Why child modeling probably isn't for me... 

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