Creative Child

Why Work-at-Home Parents Have the Best and Hardest Job

by Allie Garcia



My schedule is flexible.

In my previous 8am-3pm job, my work hours were set in stone. Working from home gives me the benefit of working some set hours and having freedom with the others. I am able to wake up early, while my family is still sleeping, and do a couple of hours of work. In the evening, my husband and I get to cuddle on the couch while I create lessons for my online classroom.

I can often manipulate my schedule so that I can fit in midday doctor’s appointments or lunchtime mini-playdates. It also means that no hour of the day is off limits for work, and I often find myself working late into the night and into the wee hours of the morning.

I get to work from the comfort of my home.

It truly is amazing how much I get done in my house some days! I get to enjoy my husband’s delicious cooking for breakfast every day, I don’t have to plan ahead for lunches, and I am able to throw dinner in the crockpot. Granted, there are days that I realize that its already 2pm and I haven’t brushed my teeth, but I usually work with a fresh cup of coffee by my side and my sweatpants on, so I consider it a win.

But, working in my house has the heavy burden of constantly feeling like I need to unload the dishwasher, organize the playroom, or any of the other myriad of things that a person is responsible for in their own home.

I am both co-breadwinner and homemaker. I make a paycheck, kiss boo-boos, refill sippy-cups, and type away at my laptop day and night. On easier days (of which there are many), I am grateful for this amazing opportunity to raise my child. On difficult days (of which there are many), I am reminded that this is such a short season of my life. A season that I will look back on and be strengthened by my perseverance, proud of myself for being both a full-time employee and full-time mama.

Allie Garcia son yedi y?ld?r özel e?itim alan?nda ö?retmen, ak?l hocas? ve çevrimiçi e?itmen olarak çal??t?. Özel e?itim alan?nda yüksek lisans derecesine sahiptir ve Clark County Okul Bölgesi'nde Y?l?n Yeni Ö?retmeni ödülüne lay?k görülmü?tür. Ocak 2014'te bebe?i Mila Skye'nin do?umuyla hayat? sonsuza dek de?i?ti. Allie ço?u gün Henderson, Nevada'da çocuk bezi de?i?tirirken, mutfakta dans partileri verirken ve tatl? kocas? ve ç?lg?n köpek yavrusu ile yürümeye ba?layan çocuk maskaral?klar?na gülerken bulunabilir.

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