Creative Child

Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

Creative Storage Ideas for Kids’ Rooms

With these creative solutions and a consistent routine, you can have the clutter-free home of your dreams.

How to Get Your Teen to Open Up According to Science

While it may seem like a simple solution, parents don’t necessarily use these positive listening skills when their teens want to discuss a situation or ask for something.

The Transition to Life with Big Kids

“Many mothers aren’t aware that the big separation from offspring, the one that really hurts, doesn’t occur when children leave the nest, but when they psychologically pull away from their mothers. This is a time of psychological metamorphosis for both mother and child.”

7 Time Management Tips for Overwhelmed Moms

If I can learn to embrace these 7 time management skills, anyone can! Slow down for a second and check out these tips that are guaranteed to make your life a little less crazy.

Helping Children Face Sadness

We are much more comfortable when our children are happy, and so we try our best to keep them that way. However, when we move them along out of their sadness too quickly, we actually can do more harm than good according to author and parent educator, Bridgett Miller.

A Closer-to-Normal Summer

“This summer is going to seem so much closer to normal than we've had in a very long time.”

Making Sense of Your Strong-Willed Child’s Behavior

Strong-willed children have many wonderful qualities. They are fierce, determined, courageous, and spirited. At the same time, parenting a strong-willed child can lead to many power struggles.

Raising Emotionally Healthy Boys

“Emotional disconnection is a poor life strategy.” This is a quote by Michael C. Reichert, PhD in his book How to Raise a Boy.

Pretend Play and the Development of Creativity

Creativity is beneficial to every one of us.

Bedtime from a Young Child’s Perspective

Bedtime can be such a trying time for parents and children. Sometimes it seems as though our children are purposefully trying to send us into a sleep-deprived stupor. Take heart, parents. One day, they will be teenagers.

The Trouble with Separation-Based Discipline Part 1

When we take away the physical closeness they require, we inadvertently push them away emotionally in the moments they most need to feel a secure heart connection.

Imagination Station: Spring Science Activities

Spring has finally sprung, and with it comes new opportunities for some fun spring-themed science activities!

Toddler-Safe Sensory Bins

When young children explore their environment through their senses, they’re not just having fun, they’re growing nerve connections in the brain, improving fine and gross motor skills, developing language skills, and learning about the world around them.

Forever Striving for Better - Avoiding the Self-Improvement Trap

It occurred to me that I couldn’t expect them to be better if I didn’t also expect myself to be better, and thus started a deep-dive into self-improvement that never had an end.

The Self-Care That Ends Burnout

It’s no surprise that burnout is on the rise after a year of lockdowns and quarantines. Because it’s a hot topic, there’s no shortage of advice being offered to worn out and desperate parents.

Routines and Habits to Boost Your Child’s Creativity

Below are 4 such routines to incorporate into your child’s daily life that will make him more imaginative, expressive, creative, and fulfilled.

Creative Valentine’s Day Ideas for Kids During a Pandemic

Love is in the air. Unfortunately, so is COVID-19.

The Important Power of Self-Control in Parenting

I’m only human, after all. Life can be difficult, and I’m doing the best I can. Yet, when my kid loses his cool and yells at me, am I so quick to offer that same grace?

Two Ways to Thwart Attention-Seeking Behavior

“I enjoy you.”

Three Important Lessons for Kids from Martin Luther King, Jr

The lessons he taught us live on. Here are three lessons he taught us that we can pass on to our children.

Five Ways to Master Patience

“Patience provides a place where hope can take root and grow.” - Derek Maul
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