Creative Child

Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

Phrases that Encourage Your Child to Cooperate

If there is a lack of attachment or connection, the child will be more resistant. Therefore one of the simplest ways to increase cooperation is to increase connection. Here are 10 ways to do that.

Goodbye 2020 Activities for Kids

While you’ll probably be celebrating at home with your family, I’ve gathered some end of year activities to do with your children to say goodbye 2020!

COVID Christmas: Finding Joy and Spreading Cheer in a Pandemic

Here are some tips for finding joy this 2020 holiday season.

De-escalation Strategies for Difficult Behavior

I want to share a few simple strategies that will help you de-escalate tension and get your child back on the right track fast.

Teaching Kids About Voting

It’s election season, and that means your children are inevitably hearing a lot about voting.

10 Ideas for a Fun Quarantineoween

Here are 10 ideas for a great Halloween in 2020.

Simple Solutions for Your Child's Negative Attitude

Everyone has bad days from time to time, but if your child’s negative attitude is becoming a problem, check out these five simple but effective solutions.

10 Creative Learning Activities for Preschoolers

I’ve gathered ten simple and creative learning activities from around the internet to ignite your child’s love of learning.

30 Family Fall Social Distancing Activities

I’ve put together 30 family activities to enjoy this autumn. Stay safe and have fun.

5 Tips for Practicing Positive Parenting in 2020

If your attempts at positive parenting have been less than positive lately, don’t despair. I’ll help you get back to the basics so you can get back on track to finish strong in 2020.

Five Positive Lessons to Teach Kids During Quarantine

When the pandemic is over and life gets back to something resembling normalcy, our children will have emerged with these five positive and important lessons if we take time now to cultivate positivity.

5 Ways to Draw Your Tweens or Teens Out of Their Rooms

“Privacy’s important for teens partly because they need to separate. There’s a lot of work for them to do, and they need some space to do it.”

Stop This One Thing to End Sibling Rivalry

The child who gets the privileged role feels pressure to maintain it, and the other children become “second rate.”

4 Ways to Make Schooling at Home Easier

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it looks like many students will still be schooling at least partially at home for the foreseeable future.

Three Creative Art Therapy Activities for Emotional Health

Creativity is important for emotional well being. Benefits include reducing stress and anxiety, sharpening critical thinking and problem-solving skills, increasing self-awareness, and allowing self-expression.

Five Day Activity Guide for Stir Crazy Kids

Most of us have been under a stay-at-home order for what feels like years now. As a result, our kids are going absolutely stir crazy, or at least I know mine are!

The Trouble with Ignoring Cries

Empathy is lacking in American culture all over the board, but there is a pronounced lack of empathy in dealing with the emotions of children from infancy through teenhood.

Raising Non-Violent Children

It’s difficult to look around at our world today and not become disheartened, if not entirely fearful.

Protecting Your Child’s Mental Health During the Pandemic

If nothing else, this pandemic will show our kids their own resilience and teach them critical coping skills that will serve them the rest of their lives. We can draw some positives from this if we are willing to look for the silver linings.

15 Backyard Activities for Kids

As most Americans and many around the world are under stay at home orders, I’m hearing that kids are starting to bounce off the walls. Now that the warmer weather is rolling in, thankfully we can remove the walls!

Designing an Environment to Foster Your Child's Creativity

Being creative allows children to express themselves, take risks, and try new ideas without (hopefully!) the fear of judgment.
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